公司的规章制度都比较完善,各部门各员工的分工都比较明确,工作流程制定也很科学,管理很人性;行政职能部门尽心尽责,听取并采纳员工的意见和建议;福利多多,每天零食,每周四的下午茶,生日福利,妇女节福利,节庆福利等等等;同事和睦,没有勾心斗角,相互帮助,相互珍惜;感谢公司让我和同事们聚在一起,感谢肖大大提供的福利和工作环境!感谢肖大大每年的大红包!  最后祝福我们的世纪阳天不断壮大,财源滚滚,飞黄腾达!!!!!

Welfare & Remuneration:

1. Basic welfare:

Seven insurances and one housing fund, full-attendance bonus, holiday welfare benefits, departmental activity funds, paid annual leave, year-end awards, project bonus, monthly employee birthday parties, office environment with a sense of high-tech, free staff restaurant (three dishes and soup + fruits), constant-temperature swimming pool (with Khan Steam), professional gym, basketball court, badminton court……

2. Additional benefits:

Tutor System – one tutor for one newcomer for assistance

Personal Promotion - salary promotion + position promotion

Career Planning – One-to-one communication and guidance

Corporate Training - internal exchange + external training

3. My company has a sound welfare system and personnel upgrading system, the company is now facing the community to recruit all kinds of talent,please contact me in the company.

Monday to Friday 9: 00 am-18: 00 pm

QQ: 3061469574
